1️⃣ Get - Get up, get along, get over something
- 例如:我需要早点起床才能按时上班。(I need to get up early to make it to work on time.)
2️⃣ Take - Take care of, take in, take off
- 例如:她总是照顾好她的家人。(She always takes care of her family.)
3️⃣ Make - Make up, make out, make do
- 例如:我们需要自己动手丰衣足食。(We need to make do with what we have.)
4️⃣ Put - Put down, put on, put up
- 例如:把书放下,让我们出去散步。(Put down the book and let's go for a walk.)
5️⃣ Come - Come across, come over, come up
- 例如:我在街上偶遇了一个老朋友。(I came across an old friend on the street.)
6️⃣ Go - Go ahead, go over, go through
- 例如:你先走,我会跟上来的。(Go ahead, I'll catch up.)
7️⃣ Set - Set off, set up, set aside
- 例如:请把时间留出来,我们明天见面。(Please set aside some time; let's meet tomorrow.)
8️⃣ Bring - Bring about, bring up, bring back
- 例如:他提到这个问题是为了引起大家的注意。(He brought up this issue to draw attention.)
9️⃣ Turn - Turn on, turn off, turn around
- 例如:别忘了关灯。(Don't forget to turn off the lights.)
🔟 Keep - Keep up, keep away, keep from
- 例如:保持积极的心态很重要。(It's important to keep a positive attitude.)
英语学习 常用动词搭配 英语口语