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HDU1326:Box of Bricks 🧱🔨

导读 Alice is an enthusiastic young architect who loves to play with building blocks One day, she decided to challen

Alice is an enthusiastic young architect who loves to play with building blocks. One day, she decided to challenge herself by stacking bricks into boxes. Each box can have a different number of bricks, and Alice wants to ensure that all the boxes have the same height. To achieve this, she needs to move some bricks from taller boxes to shorter ones.

Alice starts with a set of boxes, each containing a specific number of bricks. She wants to know the minimum number of bricks she needs to move to make all the boxes have the same height. This problem seems simple at first, but it quickly turns out to be quite challenging!

Can you help Alice solve her brick-stacking puzzle? Use your logical reasoning and mathematical skills to figure out the solution. Remember, every move counts! 🧩🧱

By applying some clever calculations, Alice can find out the optimal way to rearrange the bricks. Let's see if we can crack this puzzle together! 💡🔧
